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ADD / ADHD Testing Services at BWC

Blue Water Counseling (BWC)  is proud to offer a comprehensive approach to evaluation and assessment of Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD / ADHD) for both adults and children (ages 6 and over).  This service is available for both in person and telehealth clients.


Our Approach

Our approach includes thorough assessment of the whole person including psychosocial interviews, relevant collateral information, clinical observation, standardized self-report measures, and the use of the IVA-2 CPT, which is a Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software product that helps clinicians test and quantify both visual and auditory attention and response control functioning.  This comprehensive evaluation is completed over a series of 4-5 appointments with a licensed, trained and skilled clinician who is qualified to properly diagnose the presence of ADD / ADHD, provide education to an individual about their diagnosis, and make recommendations for treatment. 


A Brief Overview

At BWC, we believe that all people should have the opportunity to achieve their goals and reach their fullest potential.  With that in mind, we are diligent in the practice of conducting a thorough assessment, listening to the individual as to their experiences, gathering complete data, and presenting the individual (or parent) with enough information to make an informed decision about their treatment.  Our ADD / ADHD Evaluation consists of 4-5 sessions, with an approximate overview below:


Session 1: Intake with clinician, who will conduct thorough psychosocial interview, gather relevant data from the individual and any relevant collateral sources.  For children, this means gathering information from parents and teachers. 

Session 2: Based upon information learned during the Intake session, the clinician will administer customized, empirically based measures to begin the assessment process for ADD / ADHD and to rule out any conditions that are sometimes confused with ADD / ADHD (such as anxiety, depression, or environmental factors).  In the case of children, parents and / teachers may be given assessments to complete and return to the clinician.

Session 3:  If determined appropriate by the clinician, the individual will complete the IVA-2 CPT which is a computer aided tool used to help diagnose ADD / ADHD.  This test takes approximately 20 minutes.  Following the test, the individual will meet with the clinician to discuss the testing experience.

Sessions 4-5:  The individual will meet with the clinician to go over the results of the IVA-2 CPT, as well as assessments conducted earlier in the process.  During these sessions, the clinician may additionally gather more information relevant to the assessment, if appropriate.  The clinician will also be making clinical observations.  Once the clinician feels ready to make a determination and recommendations, they will provide the individual (or parent) with the necessary information they need to fully understand their (or their child’s) diagnosis, as well as any recommendations for further treatment, if appropriate.  


About the IVA-2 CPT

The IVA-2 is Clinical Decision Support software that helps qualified healthcare professionals analyze and evaluate attention and self-control functioning.  This instrument, along with a thorough psychosocial interview, clinical observation, and other standardized empirically based assessments, can effectively diagnose or rule-out the presence of ADD / ADHD in individuals ages 6-96.

For more information, click: IVA-2 – Evaluate Visual and Auditory Attention and Response Control – BrainTrain, Inc.