Co-Parenting Plan
Parenting can be hard.
Co-parenting can be brutal.
And it can be rewarding.
And it can work.
At Blue Water Counseling, we have qualified therapists who can help you through the process of separation or divorce, whether you are meeting by yourself or with your former partner. One thing to keep in mind as you navigate this process is keeping the child in the center of the equation. Sometimes that means swallowing your pride, letting things go, or accepting difficult realities. Working with a therapist can help you decide what battles to fight, and when to learn to accept and let go. We are here to help. Call 810-985-5125 to schedule your appointment today.
Whether you are currently working with a therapist on this journey or not, feel free to use the following “Co-Parenting Plan”, which is meant for both parents to sign. This plan can help you both be on the same page and can keep the focus squarely and solely on your child’s needs.
Co-Parenting Plan
• I will commit to being child centered.
• I recognize the importance of living close by my child’s other parent, for our children’s sake, when possible.
• I will not belittle, criticize, or say anything negative about my child’s other parent in front of my child; this includes words, body language, and facial expressions.
• I may not agree with my child’s other parent about all parenting issues, but I promise not to judge or condemn him / her as long as there is no abuse occurring.
• When I see my child’s other parent in the presence of my child, I will speak and act kindly, respectfully and graciously.
• If I am dealing with a conflict that may elicit negative emotions from my child’s other parent, I will speak to him / her away from the children.
• I will make every effort to give my undivided attention to my children, listening to them, doing things with them, and giving parenting support to the best of my ability.
• I will carefully introduce a new significant other to my children, and I will not force my children to immediately bond with this new person.
• I will tell my children I love them every day, or as often as I see them. I will reassure them that nothing will ever change that. I will use touch and physical expression as other ways to express my love.
• I will not use my children as the go-between with questions or information to or about my child’s other parent.
• I will make an attempt to agree with my child’s other parent on issues of conflict pertaining to our child, and I will obtain professional help if necessary.
• I will not say anything negative about my child’s other parent to friends or family members in the presence of my child.
• I will see what is best for my child in all that I do, knowing that at times it will be very difficult and require self-sacrifice.• I will make every effort to cooperate, share, and support my child’s other parent, and to treat our c0-parenting relationship like a business relationship, rather than an emotionally charged conflicted relationship.