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Quality Counseling in Michigan

Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. Someone to listen and help you get through the troubles of life. Counseling can provide that helping hand when you need it most. Our therapy sessions will be there for you when times are good and bad, helping you navigate your emotions, actions, and relationships. At Blue Water Counseling, we offer many types of counseling services to the Port Huron, Michigan area and beyond virtually.  We offer services for individuals, couples, families, children, as well as psychiatric services and group counseling. We’re with you every step of the way to help you feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically. Call us today to make your first appointment.

Our Services

Blue Water Counseling is proud to offer many standard and specialty mental health services for individuals and families in the area. Our counseling services have helped Michigan residents better cope and get through life’s difficult times. We use a variety of seminars, workshops, and presentations that can be developed and adapted to meet the specific needs of the patients or families. We provide all of the following counseling services:

Psychological testing
Bariatric surgery evaluations

Psychiatric evaluation
Medication reviews
Telephone counseling and consultation
Yoga for emotional wellness class

Physician support counseling
Stress management
Pre-employment screening


Take the First Step Toward Improved Mental Health

Are you ready to take a step toward better mental health? Admitting you need a helping hand is the first step in reaching your goal. We’re here to help you through every step of the healing process and beyond, as we believe our services are meant to help patients long-term, not just provide a temporary fix. You’ll find that with improved mental health, other things in your life will start to fall into place and you’ll be back to your usual self in no time. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you or make your first appointment.

Quality Counseling
When You Need It Most